Li Wang Li Wang


According to our friends in MX, there are three basic fertilizer cycles.

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Stuart Woolf Stuart Woolf


Weeds are a major problem in agave fields, and unfortunately, there are no registered pesticides for agave in California. This means that we have to spend a lot of money on weeding, which can cost over $600 per acre during the summer. We try to manage the weeds by mechanically cutting them in the center of the rows every 4-6 weeks during the summer. Buried drip helps by keeping moisture deeper in the root zone and not germinating as many seeds near the top of the beds. However, deep-rooted weeds like morning-glory are still a persistent issue.

We also face the problem of losing young clones that emerge with the weeds. To address this issue, we are working with Nutrien, a UC researcher focused on weeds, and our team to run herbicide trials. If we can get both pre- and post-herbicides approved, we could dramatically reduce our weeding expenses. We are also working with the Western Growers Association to get some materials approved through the US EPA’s IR4 Program. This program considers the approval of certain materials for specialty crops that are currently registered for other crops.

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Stuart Woolf Stuart Woolf


The global market for alcoholic beverages is forecasted to grow approximately 4.3% annually and pass $2 trillion by 2027.  Distilled spirits represent ~ 27% of this total or ~ $600 Billion.  The US represents a little over 5% of the global market between beer, wine and distilled spirits it consumes annually. 

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Stuart Woolf Stuart Woolf


Because our summers are longer and hotter than they are in Jalisco… and we don’t have winters that drop 30+ inches of rainfall, growers in the Valley should plan on using drip. Even though agaves are desert crops, they do get thirsty and could use a little “sip” every now and again.

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